Inside the Eye


Current Weather

Weather Observations


Satellite Imagery


Severe Weather

Climatological Data

Hurricane Central

Current Weather:

Russ' Automated Web Weather Station & Skycam
Russ' Automated Weather Underground Data & Graphs

My StationVirginia Hourly Weather Roundup - NWS 

Washington Dulles Int'l Airport

Chantilly, VA Weatherbug




Delaware Hourly Weather Roundup - NWS                    
Maryland Hourly Weather Roundup - NWS
Wisconsin Hourly Weather Roundup - NWS

US Surface Conditions - NWS
US Surface Analysis - NCEP
US Current Surface Conditions Map - WSI
US Surface Temperature Map
US 24hr Surface Temperature Change Map
US Surface Heat Index Map

US Current Dew Points
US Surface Winds
US Surface Wind Chill Map
US Surface Pressure Map
US 3hr Surface Pressure Change Map
US Jet Stream Position
US Snow Depths

US Drought Severity Map
Day/Night Line World Map
Weather Models



Washington, DC NEXRAD, Loop
Mid-Atlantic Radar, Loop
Mid-Atlantic Radar Summary

Java Radar
National Radar,
National Radar Summary
National Doppler Radar Sites


Washington, DC / Baltimore, MD Radar, Loop
Mid-Atlantic Radar, Loop
Northeast U.S. Radar, Loop
National Radar, Loop


National Weather Service:

Mid-Atlantic Short Range Base Relectivity, Loop, Enhanced, Enhanced Loop
Mid-Atlantic Long Range Base Reflectivity
, Loop, Enhanced, Enhanced Loop 
Mid-Atlantic Short Range Composite Relectivity, Loop, Enhanced, Enhanced Loop   
Mid-Atlantic 1 Hour Rainfall Total (estimated), Loop 
Mid-Atlantic Storm Total Rainfall (estimated), Loop
National Base Reflectivity, Loop

Satellite Imagery:

US GOES8 IR (400K)
US GOES8 VIS (700K) SSEC Geostationary Satellite Site
'Real-Time' Satellite Images/Loops
'Real-Time' Satellite Images/Loops [alternate site]
Mid-Atlantic GOES8 VIS, Small Image Loop, Large Image Loop
Mid-Atlantic GOES8 VIS, Small Image Loop, Large Image Loop [alternate site]
Mid-Atlantic GOES8 IR
, Small Image Loop, Large Image Loop
Mid-Atlantic GOES8 IR, Small Image Loop, Large Image loop [alternate site]
Northeast U.S. - TWC


Baltimore/Washington Local Forecast - NWS
NorthEast US Pick a County Forecast
Dulles Predicted Meteogram

Bethany Beach, DE    Bethany Water conditions
Brodhead, WI
Madison, WI

US 6-10 Day Outlook
US 8-14 Day Outlook
Sunshine Forecast

National Snow Forecast

Temperature Forecast
NWS UV Index Forecast
NWS Travel Forecasts

Severe Weather:

Today's Probability Map for Severe Weather
Tomorrow's Probability Map for Severe Weather
Hazardous Outlook for DC Metro Region
US Thunderstorm Forecast Map

US Watches & Warnings Map
Mid-Atlantic Watches & Warnings 
Washington, DC Metro Area Watches & Warnings

Mid-Atlantic Storm Tracker  
Washington, DC Metro Area Storm Tracker 

National Warnings by Category
National Lightning Strikes, Alternate
NWS Special Weather Statements
Local Storm Reports

Climatological Data:

Yesterday's Temperatures: Highs, Lows

Yesterday's Departures from Normal: Highs, Lows

Current Month Climatological Summary for Dulles Airport
Monthly Climatological Summary Archive for Dulles Airport
Monthly Climatological Norms and Extremes for Dulles Airport

Hurricane Central 


Atlantic Tropical Outlook and Advisories:

Outlook for the Atlantic
National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center

Dr. William Gray's Hurricane Forecast


Hurricane Tracker:

Latest Atlantic Tropical Plots           Storm Coverage, New Storm Coverage site
Tropical Plot - Atlantic
Tropical Plot - Pacific 
Storm Plot with Sea Surface Temp Overlay

Satellite Imagery:

GOES East Hurricane Sector VIS , Loop
GOES East Hurricane Sector IR , Loop
GOES East Hurricane Sector Water Vapor , Loop

CSU GOES12 Full Disk VIS
CSU GOES12 Full Disk IR
Purdue Medium-Res. IR Wide-shot of Atlantic
Purdue Medium-Res. VIS Wide-shot of Atlantic

Purdue GOES East Enhanced IR

NRL IR Wide-shot of Atlantic
NRL VIS Wide-shot of Atlantic
NRL Enhanced Water Vapor
Operational Significant Event Imagery

Naval Research Lab Satellite Products
Latest Sea Surface Temperatures


Tropical Archive Data:






2003 2004






2011 2012        



GOES East Satellite, Alternate Archive

Marine Buoys:

Interactive Marine Buoy Observations

Tropical Weather News:

Hurricane Photos/Track Data
FEMA's Tropical Storm & Hurricane Watch
Storm 2010

Strike Statistics


Other Weather Server Links

Baltimore/Washington NWS Forecast Office
The Weather Channel
Colorado State University
Florida State University
Atlantic Coast Observer Network - VA/NC/SC
Portsmouth Weather Records Service
NOAA Interactive Weather Information Network
Weather Underground


Russ is currently involved with the following:

National Weather Service Skywarn Spotters

Atlantic Coast Observer Network - VA/NC/SC

Washington-Baltimore Climate Review

The Weather Underground